Waxcap Wonderland

We continue to be amazed with the spectacular display of fruiting fungi in our north garden, a spectrum of colours and forms popping up in circular formations and tightly formed clumps. We are fortunate to have annual visits from the mycologist Charles Aron and Debbie Evans, who have included our grassland as part of a wider fungus survey project on Anglesey and throughout North West Wales.


Photos of the collection by Debbie Evans and Julie Upmeyer
Download Debbie’s full report here


Cuphophyllus flavipes (yellow foot waxcap)

Cuphophyllus pratensis (meadow waxcap)

Cuphophyllus virgineus (Snowy waxcap

Gliophorus psittacinus (Parrot waxcap)

Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens (Orange Waxcap)

Hygrocybe ceracea (Butter waxcap)

Hygrocybe chlorophana (Golden waxcap)

Hygrocybe citrinovirens (Citrine waxcap)

Hygrocybe coccinea (Scarlet waxcap)

Hygrocybe conica (Blackening waxcap or witch’s hat)

Hygrocybe insipida (Spangle waxcap)

Hygrocybe intermedia (Fibrous waxcap)

Hygrocybe punicea (Crimson waxcap)

Hygrocybe quieta (Oily waxcap)


Clavaria fragilis (White spindles)

Clavaria fumosa (Smoky spindle)

Clavaria straminea (Straw Club)

Clavulinopsis corniculata (Meadow Coral)

Clavulinopsis laeticolor (Handsome club)

Clavulinopsis luteoalba (Apricot club)


Entoloma conferendum (Star Pinkgill)

Entoloma infula (Priest’s Hat Pinkgill)

Entoloma prunuloides (Mealy Pinkgill)


Geoglossum fallax (Deceptive Earthtongue)

Geoglossum glutinosum (Glutinous Earthtongue) 

Crazed-Caps, ect

Camarophyllopsis schulzeri (Matt Fan Vault)

Dermoloma cuneifolium (Crazed Cap)


Photos of the collection by Jonathan Lewis and Julie Upmeyer


Hygrocybe ceracea (Butter waxcap)

Hygrocybe punicea (Crimson waxcap)

Hygrocybe chlorophana (Golden waxcap)

Hygrocybe coccinea (Scarlet hood)

Hygrocybe conica (Blackening waxcap or witch’s hat)

Hygrocybe flavipes

Hygrocybe pratensis – many synonyms including Cuphophyllus pratensis (Meadow waxcap)

Hygrocybe psittacina (Parrot waxcap)

Hygrocybe quieta (Oily waxcap)

Hygrocybe virginea – synonum Cuphophyllus virgineus (Snowy waxcap)


Clavaria fumosa (Smoky spindle)

Clavulinopsis laeticolor (Yellow club fungus)

Clavulinopsis corniculata (Meadow coral fungus)

Clavulinopsis luteoalba (Apricot club fungus)


Entoloma infula (Priest’s Hat Pinkgill)


Geoglossum fallax (Deceptive Earthtongue)

Microglossum olivaceum (Olive Earthtongue)

Microglossum tenebrosum

Geoglossum umbratile (Plain Earthtongue)

Geoglossum glutinosum (Glutinous Earthtongue) 

Other grassland Groups

 Camaophyllopsis schulzeri (Matt Fanvault)

Dermoloma cuneifolium (Crazed Cap)


Photos of the collection by Andy Shotts with a full list of waxcaps, earthtonges and other grassland fungus found at Plas Bodfa on 13/11/2021:


Hygrocybe intermedia (Fibrous waxcap)

Hygrocybe ceracea (Butter waxcap)

Hygrocybe punicea (Crimson waxcap)

Hygrocybe coccinea (Scarlet hood)

Hygrocybe conica (Blackening waxcap or witch’s hat)

Hygrocybe pratensis – many synonyms including Cuphophyllus pratensis (Meadow waxcap)

Hygrocybe psittacina (Parrot waxcap)

Hygrocybe quieta (Oily waxcap)

Hygrocybe virginea – synonum Cuphophyllus virgineus (Snowy waxcap)


Clavaria fumosa (Smoky spindle)

Clavaria fragilis (White spindle)

Clavaria incarnata (Skinny club fungus)

Clavulinopsis corniculata (Meadow coral fungus)

Clavulinopsis luteoalba (Apricot club fungus)


 Geoglossum fallax (Deceptive Earthtongue)

Microglossum viride (Green Earthtongue)

Geoglossum glutinosum (Glutinous Earthtongue) 

Other grassland Groups

 Camaophyllopsis schulzeri (Matt Fanvault)

Dermoloma cuneifolium (Crazed Cap)

Non-grassland Fungi

Psilocybe semilanceata (Liberty Cap)


Wildflower Meadow


The Pond