Amy Sterly


An interview
with Amy Sterly
about her multiple:

Where did you make these multiples?


I made these little books in my studio in mid-Wales, which is basically a workshop shed in my back garden!

view from the studio.jpg

Any interesting or funny stories in the development of these multiples?


I love making little collages and artist books - I have so many scraps and comics and old books so it is always fun to go through them and find strange and funny connections with the images.

Tell me about your experience with Unus Multorum and/or Plas Bodfa as it relates to your multiples.


I loved travelling to Plas Bodfa and seeing the lovely views from the house. The amazing span of windows there really stuck in my mind. When you are looking out of a window, you see so much more than than the landscape - you see ideas, feelings and stories that emanate from your temperament on that particular day.

You choose to make a certain number of Objects in your edition. Why this number?


It was fun to make them so I made quite a big edition to cater for all the visitors that we thought might come to the exhibition!

Where do you imagine these multiples to end up?



Tell me more about the materials used in your multiple.
Why did you choose this material? What do you like about it?


I collect lots of materials from various jobs, so I like to recycle as much as I can. Even the smaller scrap gets used.

Why do you make things (in general)?


I always have made art since I can remember. It is something that lifts my spirit.

Multiple - in - Progress

Multiplicity Process.jpg

Sian Hughes


Wanda Garner