David Garner

David Garner.jpeg

An interview
with David Garner
about his multiple:
’10 Petrol Stations on the A5 in Wales’

Where did you make these multiples?


Living once more in North Wales, the garages of the A5 become a backdrop for many journeys through this dramatic landscape. Forty years ago they were part of my daily commute. Just one more layer of history since the road was built during Napoleonic times.

Any interesting or funny stories in the development of these multiples?


My only ever live music request:   ’I Want To Hang Out With Ed Ruscha
Look them up!

Performed at the Mostyn Gallery, this was a wonderful coincidence and timely connection to Twenty Six Gasoline Stations. Ruscha has been a reference point for my photo-books and my exploration of photography and its role in the arts.

Tell me about your experience with Unus Multorum and/or Plas Bodfa as it relates to your multiples.


This is the second time of being involved with Plas Bodfa.

Julie and Jonathan created a unique supportive creative family. Sharing the experience with such a wide range of artists has been a wonderful experience.

The house, far removed from a white box gallery space take on its own life during the exhibition. The multiples become a lasting token, preserving the spirit of the event.

You choose to make a certain number of Objects in your edition. Why this number?


10 seems a nice round number. Maybe it should be Twenty Six.

Where do you imagine these multiples to end up?


I hope a couple of books will last long enough to change the value of the every day views for a future audience. Will they become a curious history document or a token of my craft?

Tell me more about the materials used in your multiple.
Why did you choose this material? What do you like about it?


A major purpose of photographs is for multiple copies. The books are small, cheap but of archival quality materials.

Why do you make things (in general)?


Making photographs saves me the hard work of using words.


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