Gill Collier

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An interview
with Gill Collier
about her multiples:
'Changing Tides’ ‘In the Woods’ and ‘Tree of Life’

Where did you make these multiples?


At home - 1000 feet up a hillside in Snowdonia

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Any interesting or funny stories in the development of these multiples?


I enjoy printing because of the range of textures that can be achieved. I decided to use the actual printing blocks as part of my multiples because the texture of the blocks was highlighted by the memory of the colours used in the past.

Tell me about your experience with Unus Multorum and/or Plas Bodfa as it relates to your multiples.


I enjoyed painting a mural of an imagined landscape in Plas Bodfa. It travelled from an idyllic landscape to a possible catastrophic one resulting from global warming. The linocut multiples were a reminder of what we all could lose. They also were related to the far-reaching view from Plas Bodfa of the Menai Straits and its changing tides and the trees and the woods.

Where do you imagine these multiples to end up?


I would like to think of them on a wall where they would impart a feeling of quiet and peace.

Why do you make things (in general)?


I have always loved painting and creating things whether it is creating an image, a piece of pottery or a sewn item - having a vision of what I would like to create and then planning how to achieve it.

Gill’s Studio

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Niki Cotton


Chaparral Andrew Hodges