1964 - 1972 Raymond Ryan


  • Raymond Ryan was said to visit Bodfa on the weekends.

  • Jim Thomas (changed his name from Ollerhead) and his wife Ethel lived in the lodge during this period. He served as gardener and groundskeeper and was an enthusiastic photographer.


  • Who else was living in the house?

  • What did Raymond Ryan do for a living? Where was his primary residence?

Photos by Jim Thomas

thank you to Jackie Rutherford (Jim’s niece) for sharing these images

The Ollerhead’s moving certificate

The photocopy series

We received photocopies of these photographs when we bought the house. I’m not exactly sure if they belong here in the Raymond Ryan times, or in the Wells era, but I’m guessing here based on the shrubbery in the sunken garden.


1947 - 1964 Alfred Wells


1972 - 1979 The Steakhouse - Ken Pagdin, Bertie Gaitan