Elly Strigner

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An interview
with Elly Strigner
about her multiple:

Where did you make these multiples?

At home in Old Colwyn


Any interesting or funny stories in the development of these multiples?


I do hate working with clay, which was part of the challenge of making my objects out of it!

Tell me about your experience with Unus Multorum and/or Plas Bodfa as it relates to your multiples.


It's been a wonderful way for me to set myself a goal and complete work to a deadline, in a medium I wouldn't usually go for, during a strange time.

You choose to make a certain number of Objects in your edition. Why this number?


There is 1 shell for every month of the year.

Tell me more about the materials used in your multiple.
Why did you choose this material? What do you like about it?


I can't stand clay when it dries on my hands but I really wanted to create 3D objects, and I liked the idea of breaking through my texture issues! I enjoyed gilding - I like that it is slightly random and you can't 100% control the outcome.

Why do you make things (in general)?


I love it. I have been drawing and making since I was very small. I think it's how I best express myself.

Any other information or stories you'd like to include?


The shells are my visual interpretations for each month of the year. In my head, days, months, seasons, numbers and letters all have distinct colours, textures and moods. But the original inspiration for the shells and poems was the idea of waiting for someone across a year.

Multiple - in - Progress


Nicola Carter


Niki Cotton