Gwen Williams


An interview
with Gwen Williams
about her multiples:
'Plants Digging for Worms’, ‘Impromptu’ and ’Plants Doing Music’

Where did you make these multiples?


In bed at home in Llanfairfechan at 7 am on my Ipad.

Any interesting or funny stories in the development of these multiples?


When I had an Open Studio event, I created a slideshow with drawings at the stages of creation and as the vegetation ‘grew’. I experimented with accompanying music. Viennese waltzes worked well and also Wolves howling.

Tell me about your experience with Unus Multorum and/or Plas Bodfa as it relates to your multiples.


I had hoped to display my multiples near to my installation but it was not to be. Julie did a great job of presenting the prints elegantly.

You choose to make a certain number of Objects in your edition. Why this number?


10 is a nice round number.

Where do you imagine these multiples to end up?


Domestic settings, kitchen walls, anywhere in someone’s home to be cheerful and remind people of Spring returning. America maybe? Ultimately recycling bin. Which is ok.

Tell me more about the materials used in your multiple.
Why did you choose this material? What do you like about it?


I became enthusiastic about the IPad following a two day workshop run be WeEngAge, a collective from Yorkshire who encourage people with disabilities or who live in care homes to be creative digitally. My favourite app is Drawing desk.

Why do you make things (in general)?


The urge to create to live more intensely.

Any other information or stories you'd like to include?


The prints were a collaboration with my grand daughter who invented Surreal titles for my digital outcomes. (I paid her in glittery pens and pink items). I really hope she keeps the poetry in her heart now that she has started school.

Gwen’s Studio Views


Wanda Garner


Anne "Wondercabinet" Weshinskey