Anne "Wondercabinet" Weshinskey

Animal print anne and Arni boobs.jpeg

An interview
with Anne "Wondercabinet" Weshinskey
about her multiple:
'Sharpie-Marked Disks’

Where did you make these multiples?


In the Between the Hills Community Center in Neersville, VA, USA


Any interesting or funny stories in the development of these multiples?


The performance that makes up the content of the DVD was filmed in the space where I regularly teach Essentrics class (pre-COVID) to seniors. The people in the performance are actual clients who agreed to be filmed--but what I didn't tell them was that I wanted them to wear black form-fitting body suits. Two of the participants are almost 80 years old, and the other is a 56-year old man. When I started filming and the man came prancing out on his tip-toes wearing a skin-tight body suit I was laughing so hard I peed in my own body suit!

Tell me about your experience with Unus Multorum and/or Plas Bodfa as it relates to your multiples.


Previously, I had participated in Plas Bodfa's Sui Generis exhibition and addressed the former use of the space as a steak house. For Unus Multorum, I wanted to continue along that line by acknowledging its former role as a care home. By featuring multiple clients I was tying my own experience of working with the elderly into the idea of multiples.

You choose to make a certain number of Objects in your edition. Why this number?


It seemed like a good number

Where do you imagine these multiples to end up?


In a storage bin in Julie and Jonathan's attic

Tell me more about the materials used in your multiple.
Why did you choose this material? What do you like about it?


I long gave up on the ephemeral nature of performance art and started filming performances and manipulating the footage as a way to express something. DVD is an outdated technology (like old people) and that what part of what I was trying to express with this work. I felt like using a technology that has somewhat outlived its usefulness was in interesting comment on aging in general.

Why do you make things (in general)?


I can't help it


Gwen Williams


Nicola Carter