'Images Woven - Past and Present' by Rosie Green

from £45.00

edition of 10
photo print, paper, frame, wood, stretched canvas, calico

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edition of 10
photo print, paper, frame, wood, stretched canvas, calico

edition of 10
photo print, paper, frame, wood, stretched canvas, calico

Rosie Green has been a hand weaver for over 40 years and now run my own business, SAORImôr, teaching a method of freestyle weaving started in Japan 50 years ago. She uses her knowledge and experience to continually develop and express ideas and create new pieces.

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You can choose to send this item as a wrapped gift.

The additional £3 cost includes:

  • gift wrap using natural perforated brown paper wrapping with a ‘Plas Bodfa Objects’ sticker

  • a handwritten gift tag with your name and the recipient’s

  • a handwritten message inside the wrapping

  • a packing slip with the prices hidden


Every Plas Bodfa Object is shipped with a Certificate of Authenticity